My goal with my books and articles is for people to see what kind of world they live in and who the real enemy is. Anyone who sees the true enemy accurately is freed from the ancient game, called “divide and rule” they play on him. If enough people realize this, there will be peace on Earth.

My goal with my books and articles is for people to see what kind of world they live in and who the real enemy is. Anyone who sees the true enemy accurately is freed from the ancient game they play with him, called “divide and rule.” If enough people realize this, there will be peace on Earth.

Julius Andan:

The world behind the scenes

The human mind is the main, or even more, the only battlefield. All wars take place primarily on a spiritual level, and physical violence is only apparently aimed at the body.

Your sanity, your intelligence, your talent and your future are being fought against.

In this war, the bullet is the lie, the armor is the secret, and the assassin is the authority who “knows everything better than you”.

The source of the oppression is a secret society, which is not mentioned anywhere in written form. Julius Andan has been serving this company faithfully for 25 years, then became the first traitor and opposed his former master.

His testimony, The World Behind the Scenes, gives you the tools to defend yourself from the system, and win in this war against those tyrants whom everyone on Earth is suffering from.

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Julius Andan:

Life in the system

The book is a continuation of the book A world behind the scenes. Life in the System provides perspectives for interpreting human civilization, understanding daily and long-term processes and phenomena, and creating a better life. It presents the workings of politics and the media, as well as describes common manipulation techniques.


In order to have a chance to achieve big goals, we need to see very precisely what mechanisms stand in the way of their implementation.

“The System takes advantage of us, why shouldn’t we take advantage of the System?” – asks the author.


Julius Andan:

Julius Andan – New Life New World

Modern, highly organized society serves us with its care systems, and we are not only used to this comfort, but they practically keep us alive.

Wars, economic crises, energy crises, epidemics and shutdowns are an integral part of the new world, all of which threaten supply systems. When these systems are damaged or shut down, it becomes immediately apparent how deeply dependent we are on them.

The solution is not to withdraw from the world, not to return to nature. This would only move from one dependency to another. The goal is the most complete social integration with the highest degree of personal independence, which essentially means that we map society on a smaller scale in our own communities.

This book shows what we can do as individuals and as members of smaller communities to ensure that the damage or shutdown of the supply networks does not cause tragedy in our lives.


Julius Andan:

The old world is gone

Development, fashion and marketing are looking for a world that is always on time. It cannot be denied that a part of obsolescence is only an illusion, but in another part is real. One of the main conflicts of man is that he is unable to follow obsolescence, that he does not realize that time has passed over his own world view, life strategy, attitude and reactions. And the consequence of this is that most are at an increasing disadvantage against those who are able to constantly review their mental constructs and correct them when the environment makes it necessary.
